Monday, October 1, 2012

Understanding the One Direction epidemic

So last Thursday, one of the stations I work for (Kiss 108 in Boston) gave away a free trip to see One Direction in NYC. Naturally, teeny boppers around the world rejoiced. And blew up the phone lines. And hated us for not playing the 2 songs back to back that you needed to hear for the chance to win right away. And it got me thinking -- why in the bluest of blue hells are people SO obsessed over these guys? And I'm not even talking about just the teeny boppers that follow me on Twitter or anything (@JaddOnTheRadio if you're interested), but even former interns here who are in their 20's.

So driving back from trivia the night that the contest was paid off, I decided to just hop right into it and ask listeners and teeny boppers alike what the big deal was. WHAT makes you crazy over these guys aside from the fact that I think you're bat-s**t crazy to start? And that's mainly the reason I put it out there...I want to understand why instead of just assuming you're psycho. Here's some responses I got:

Alyssa - "its obvious! cute boys with catchy songs! same reason our generation loved Backstreet Boys and NSYNC. and before that, NKOTB! add accents and its even better lol"
Tiffany - "I was an insane *NSYNC fan. I still have my secret box in my closet. And maybe a blanket and pillow on top of my dresser. Boys put their energy into sports and video games, little girls put theirs into the unattainable sexual magnetism."

Then stuff started getting creepy.

Layla - "First of all, I'm like 99% convinced that I'm soulmates with harry or at least we need to be married for a while. Second of all: they're british. Instant amazingness. Third: they have angelic voices. Someone should make a petition to get them to stop singing dumb pop songs."

So obviously when I read that, the whole "They're really just crazy" reasoning was pretty strong in my head. Then Brittany hit me up with this super honest response, and it brought the whole thing together.

"First off, you are actually correct..we are CRAZY. We are in need of mental help. If any psychiatrist found out about this, every single directioner on the face of this earth would be locked up in either prison or a mental institution. The reason we are obsessed is because we're girls..teenage girls..and they have accents..and they sing..and the hair..and the.accents..and their face..and their accents. People can try to be nice & say we aren't crazy, when in reality we are. There is no other word to describe us besides..crazy. We obsess over 5 boys who have absolutely no idea who the hell we are. Doesn't that just scream: CRAZY. MENTAL. CRAZY. MENTAL. We know their blood type. CRAZY. We know where they are every second of every minute of every day. CRAZY. what this all comes down to is: ONCE YOU GO ONE DIRECTION, THERE IS NO GOING BACK. THEY RUIN YOUR LIFE, BUT YOU WILL NEVER STOP LIKING THEM. TAKE IT FROM ME..k, I'm done with my rant. excuse the crazy. i can't help it. im just a teenage girl."

So it makes sense. Take good looking dudes, add in a pinch (and I DO mean just a pinch) of talent, a dash of pop music, a boatload of British accent, and about 10 kegs worth of crazy...and you get a One Direction fan. I'm honestly so glad I understand you and the whole obsession now.

And I'm honestly so scared that you're the future of the world.

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