Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Why I Hate People -- Reason #234

I think I'm gonna make this a continuing series, because really...why the hell not? So even though this is listed as reason #234 -- here's the first entry in the continuing epic series of Why I Hate People.

Ya know when you're driving on the highway, and it's not even that you're in a rush but you just HATE going 45 in a 65 for no reason at all? I'm not talking about because it's the beginning of afternoon rush. I'm talking about driving at 5 f*****g AM where there's a few cars on the road but not enough to cause a backup...BUT YOU GET STUCK BEHIND 2 DOUCHEBAGS DRIVING THE SAME SH***Y SLOW SPEED RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER?


Yeah. That's reason #234 for Why I Hate People.

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