Since I deprived you of reading this awesomeness from about Friday until this morning, I'm gonna double-dose ya with stuff today. You already saw the One Direction hallabaloo, so now here's a bunch of random stuff I've thought of today so far. (And if you're wondering why you should care, it's because I'm awesome, which is why you're at this blog in the first place, doucheknuckle.)
Thought #1: Know how we all have those people (can't even call them friends) who only hit us up when they want to complain? They think they're fat, they're hitting a plateau losing weight, they want to tell you about how they got screwed over by ANOTHER person they're dating and how they were so in love and now they have nothing and they're doomed to die alone? Yeah, this is a message to all those people -- if we talked to you regularly, we'd care about your life. But since we barely talk, we don't give a rat's ass what sad-panda-face stuff happens to you, so quit coming to us to vent. We couldn't give a f**k less.
Thought #2: I was talkin to my broski on Twitter(who I've never met before, like half of my is awesome), @ApexEwok, this morning and he mentioned something I thought was pretty cool -- 31 Horrors in 31 Days. Basically from now til Halloween, watching 1 scary movie a day. I'm up for the challenge...who's with me? Ironically enough, this brings up...
Thought #3: I watched Paranormal Activity 3 today in between my shifts at work. (Sidebar -- who's coming to see PA4 with me when it comes out on Oct 19th?) During the scene where they're filming Katie's birthday, the camera says September 3rd, 1988. Now mind you, Katie is the possessed one who kidnaps baby boys and bends people in half to their death. This brings me to my point -- when do you think my birthday is? Yeah...September 3rd. I demand my nickname become Bonecrusher this instant.
Thought #4: Another one of those ironic thoughts considering I'm essentially about to complain about complainers, but I wouldn't have a Facebook or Twitter if I wasn't in radio. Facebook ruled when it was just for college kids posting about where the party was or giving a heads up of which dude/chick has a new STD...those are heads up I appreciated. I don't give a f**k if your relationship ended, your significant other cheated, your parents are douchebags (seriously, have some respect for your parents teeny're really all miserable snotty little pricks), or whatever stupid lame ass drama you post about from your life. I refer you back to Thought #1 -- we all couldn't give a f**k less, so stop being an attention whore.
Thought #5: I love this blog because I really don't hold back any punches, and a lot of times I gotta be all rated-PG and censored because the radio stations I'm affiliated with will probably be pissed off if I tweet too much fire. Some stuff I get away with, others I gotta be smart about. If the most censoring I have to do on here is using a few asteriks, I'm happy. And I actually do appreciate you guys checking it out (even though in 2 of these 5 thoughts I pretty much all said you suck and I don't care if you get hit by busses) -- I also hope you realize that I mean most of what I say (okay, not the getting hit by a bus part...for most of you anyway), I more or less just say this outrageous BS to make you guys laugh and help you pass your boring workdays. So thanks for checking it out, really. And if there's anything in particular you want me to touch on sometime (AKA if you give a f**k about my opinion on something in particular), hit me up on Twitter... @JaddOnTheRadio.
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