I've always hated politics...they really haven't ever interested me in the least. The only time I actually paid attention was when Monica Lewinsky went balls deep on President Clinton. (Ya know, side note right now...I always thought Monica was a total slut for doing that, but as an avid fan of doing most things for the story, how badass is it that for the rest of her life, she can answer "What's the craziest thing you've ever done in your life?" with "I gave the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America...the most powerful man in the country...a blowjob.") But I digress...
I figured I should watch the debates last night to try and understand what's going on with the country I live in. Straight up, I'm not voting this year. Before you get your panties in a bunch about how it's my patriotic duty -- would you rather me vote for one of 2 people I don't care about/want to run this country, vote for someone I don't know about, or not vote at all. What if by total happenstance (Chris Jericho better love me for dropping a Fozzy song title), the election came down to just one vote. MY vote. And I voted for someone just for the sake of voting? Anyway...
Here's what I noticed about the debates last night. People are CRAZY. They're absolutely bat s**t crazy. You can't say ONE thing that's slightly negative to either side without someone completely losing their s**t over your comment. Case in point -- I tweeted about the debates a few times, and one of my tweets was pointing out that I felt like every single time Obama interrupted Romney, the moderator would basically tell Romney to shut up and let Obama speak. But if Romney interrupted, the moderator would tell Romney that it was the President's time to talk. A little one-sided much? Anyway, one person who is a hardcore Obama supporter mentioned that it's okay for him to interrupt Romney whenever he wants because he's the President. Really? REALLY? Mmkay. You're entitled to your opinion -- as stupid as it may be -- but you're entitled to it.
Another time, Obama said something about student loans making everyone go to college possible when it was based off of a question about lack of jobs for graduating seniors. I made the point that anyone could go to college with help from student loans, but it's paying back those loans plus interest once you graduate from school and can't get a steady job that makes things difficult. Just a simple point I noticed -- didn't make me pro-Romney or anti-Obama, it was literally just an observation. BOOM. People hopped on that like it was the last slice of bacon in the world. (Which, by the way, if that ever happens...meaning we run out of bacon...get out of my way because nothing is worse than a pissed off chubby kid with no access to bacon. But again, I digress...)
I suppose it's good that people respond either way, whether their arguments are really valid and well-thought out points, or just ridiculous statements. It means people care enough about the debates and the election to let their opinion be heard. I gotta admit, I caught the last 10 mins of the first presidential debate, and half-ass listened to the VP debates, and more or less made a joke of them. But there were people actually getting into the debates and tweeting legitimate responses to things that were being said. And it wasn't just my parents' generation or my generation, but what was really impressive was the generation under me, made up of mostly teeny boppers who I'd love to just step on because they fill up my twitter feed with "OMGZZZZ JUSTIN BIEBZZZZZZZ" or "OMGZZZ I WANNA LOOZE MY VIRGINITY TO ONE DIRECTIONZZZZ" -- THAT generation was actually watching the debates and weighing in. Impressive. I actually gained a little respect for you rugrats last night.
Then when I woke up and saw that someone tweeted about how they had an orgasm because Niall from 1D said the word "ass" in an interview, it was immediately erased (true story, by the way). But I guess Rome wasn't built in a day.
I'll end with this -- one thing I noticed last night was A LOT of people were getting pissed because they felt like Romney was saying he'd do stuff but not saying how (agreed for the most part) and that Obama was avoiding some of Romney's questions or beating around the bush with questions asked to him from the panel (also agreed for the most part). In their defense, what do you expect them to do? Come out and say stuff that's gonna make them sound bad? Which leads me to an interesting challenge for whoever decides to run in 2016...
Be TOTALLY honest. Completely blunt. Don't dance around answers, don't beat around the bush...if you're going to do something to try and better the country but it's gonna take some sucky stuff like raising taxes or gas prices so you can eliminate some of the national debt, say it. If you're going to do something awesome, obviously say that, but be honest. If someone asks you how you plan on doing something and you think it's going to make you sound bad, so what? Say it anyway. I'd be interested to see if Americans would appreciate someone being honest and forthcoming with all of their info more than someone who beats around bushes just to try and make him/herself sound good.
Then again what the hell do I know? I'm a chubby dude who talks into a fallic-shaped object for a living. Hey look, I just came (no pun intended) full circle...somehow beginning and ending with Monica Lewinsky references. (Insert rimshot here)
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